Wednesday, May 4, 2016

2016 Nurses International Conference
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Excitement is in the air, as the Nurses International team prepares for the first Annual Faculty Conference in Minneapolis, MN on Friday, May 27th through Sunday, May 29th.  This year the faculty will be focused on ensuring that the graduate programs meet the highest educational standards and comparing the undergraduate program to the Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN) Essentials. There will be a discussion on the two tracks of the graduate curriculum - Family Nurse Practitioner and Nursing Education as well as content mapping of the undergraduate curriculum.
In addition, the conference will provide attendees an exciting forum to further explore Nurses International’s planned work with Partners Trust International in Burundi. Attendees will spend time learning to use Nurses International’s authoring tool and learning management system. Faculty members, many meeting for the first time, will be able to connect, collaborate, and support each other as they pursue excellence as nurse educators.
As always, our programs are rooted in Christian faith and a strong belief that Christ intended his followers to bring holistic redemption to the suffering places in the world. Our aim is to prepare nurses to effectively confront the physical challenges of the communities they serve while demonstrating the fullness of their faith in the relationships developed in their communities.  
Nurses International supporters from around the world will have the opportunity to join the conference and meet the faculty on Friday, May 27th at 8:30 pm CDT via a teleconferencing link. The link will be posted to the Facebook page the day of the conference as well as sent to the email addresses of Nurses International supporters. Please join us in welcoming these new, highly- qualified faculty members who are committed to making a difference in students’ lives.
Nurses International